Published on November 10, 2005 By WishX In WinCustomize News
Due to an unexpected fiber cut near one of our data centers, several Stardock-related websites (such as WinCustomize downloads) and services (i.e. Stardock Central) may be temporarily unreachable. We are working to get things moved and rerouted to minimize downtime. We do apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and patience while we get things rerouted.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 11, 2005

Once again the connectivity to that data center has been restored.  It appears to have stayed up all night so lets hope everything is stable again.  I have restored our services to use that data center.  However, due to changes in IP's for our DNS's it may take up to 24 hours for your DNS servers to see the changes.

So after that if you are seeing anything that appears to be still broken please drop me a note at so I can get it corrected.

on Nov 11, 2005
Hey stuff happens, just happy we're back to normal, though normal is relative!
on Nov 11, 2005
This thread explains why I couldn't go to wincustomize yesterday, and Stardock was fuzzy. I gave up until now. Glad to see you guys right on top, as usual.
on Nov 11, 2005
Thanks for letting us know...Thought it was my comp. Just changed severs...
on Nov 11, 2005
There's liable to be some more downtime around 3am EST Sunday morning. They're going to be doing some maintenance to try and prevent this from happening again.
on Nov 11, 2005
Someone's always "at fault" when there's a cut fiber. I've seen repairs go as high as $2,000 a minute, not to mention the liability involved (all those corps that lost revenue, etc.).
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